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主要學歷 (TC)
所以在兩年後的2016年,在家人的支持和鼓勵下,我在沙田創立了欣培發展及治療中心(Brighten Development & Therapy Centre),旨在為有特殊學習需要的兒童提供多種語言及多方面的評估和治療服務。「欣培」這個名字概念是:欣然同行,以愛培育 - 希望我和我的專業團隊能與家庭一起同行,並以包容和愛去培育有特殊教育需要的學生。開始的時候,基於我的教育背景及相關工作經驗,欣培的服務對象主要是就讀國際學校的學生,但同時我亦很想協助低收入家庭,因自閉症兒童輪候政府提供的復康服務時間長,但私人機構的學費卻難以負擔,所以我很明白家長們的焦急與無助。雖然欣培是私人中心,沒有政府資助或私人捐款,但如家庭有經濟困難,我們都會提供費用減免,不過當時能受惠的人不算多。
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Board Member
Qualifications & Awards Highlight.
Academic Background
My Story
The first time I came in contact with Speech Therapy was when I was in second grade of secondary school. At the time, society's awareness of special educational needs was not as common as it is now, and people rarely heard of the profession of speech therapists. As my mum was a secondary school teacher, she was responsible for teaching students with special educational needs. She mentioned that a student needed to receive speech therapy and introduced me to speech therapy. I know then that this was what I wanted to do when I grew up.
From then on until university I have been preparing for this. I studied as a volunteer in different treatment centres during middle school. When I studied for a bachelor's degree in Canada, I studied Psychology and Linguistics while working part time as a speech therapist's assistant and behavioural therapist. I completed the two year master's program in 2012 and officially became a speech-language pathologist. After graduating, I worked in a private speech therapy clinic for two years, and then decided to return to Hong Kong in 2014. I was not familiar with the speech therapy service structure in Hong Kong, so I first contacted public and private organisations to understand the different services. Finally, I decided to start my own therapy career in Hong Kong at a non-profit specical educational centre. I was proud of myself as a speech therapist, but gradually felt the many restrictions in the system and adminstration, and that I wanted do more for the SEN community.
So two years later, with the support and encouragement of my family, I founded the Brighten Development and Therapy Centre in Shatin, aiming to provide children with special learning needs with multi-lingual and multi-faceted assessment and treatment services. The concept of Brighten is to walk with joy and nurture with love -- I hope that my team and I can walk alongside families and nurture their children with love and patience. At the beginning, Brighten targeted students from international schools, however, I wanted to extend my help to low-income families as their children are waiting for rehabilitation provided by the government. The service hours are long, tuition fees unaffordable, so the parents often feel extreme anxiousness and helplessness. While Brighten doesn't receive government funding or private donations, we provide fee reductions if families have financial difficulties, though regretably, the number of benefitee weren't plentiful.
Luck was on my side however when I met Kitty, the founder of LoveXpress by chance! During our conversation, we had views on the difficulties faced by families with autism and jointly planned LoveXpress' Early Intervention Program. I think this project is particularly meaningful, and I sincerely understand the importance of early treatment, so I am honoured to contribute to the project, and give back to society. I am convinced with as long as people and organisations work together and persist in their beliefs, they will be able to help more families with autism, and promote our society to better understand and accept individuals with ASD.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Centre Manager
Qualifications & Awards Highlight.
Academic Background
My Story
I am a registered midwife, a mother of two children of the stars, and a moderator of a blog called 迷路的媽媽-愛自閉兒的路. My eldest son was born in 2013 and has severe autism, global development delay, sensory integration disorder (diagnosed at 2 years 9 months), apraxia of speech (diagnosed at 4 years 6 months) and moderate intellectual ability (diagnosed at 6 years); and my younger son, born in 2016, has autism (diagnosed at 2 years 6 months), and attention disorder (diagnosed at 6 years). My eldest son started to have developmental regression at 18 months old, from speaking a few words to suddenly becoming non-verbal, unresponsive to being called, etc. I was actually unable to accept that my son was autistic at the time, and always wanted to undergo different evaluations. Sometimes, someone may say, "The child is just a little developmentally delayed," but the truth is always cruel.
Realising that my older son is different, my husband and I have started arranging intensive training for him in playgroups, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and more. We have been training in different private institutions for almost a year and a half, and the monthly training fee is as high as 20-27k, but the condition has not improved. Just when we were considering whether I should resign as a midwife, we learned about LoveXpress' Early Intervention Program, so we decided to resign properly and work hard for our children and family! I still remember thinking that the Program was our only hope. I remember crying so much when I thought I had missed the program's notification, only to find out the next day that we were selected. I thought those 24 hours were like riding a roller coaster! After participating in the program, we practised home training every day, created. a home sensory integration room, systemised the child's training, and made it a daily routine. I also worked hard to equip myself to be a therapist for my children by taking different courses and consulting various professional therapists. One day, after training for more than half a year, my eldest son started to talk! Until now, every one of my relatives and friends are surprised at the progress both of my children made. The progress of my children made me more certain that persistance is the most effective training, since children with autism may be slower than other children, it is crucial to be patient with their growth. This is one of the deepest insights I have gained from being with my sons for 4 and a half years.
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General Manager
Qualifications & Awards Highlight.
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My Story
Renita has designed over hundreds of teaching aids well received by the SEN industry and parents since 2014. She has a son with special educational needs (autism, hyperactivity disorder and Tourette syndrome). Due to long-term parenting pressure, she once suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, and deeply understands the importance of mental health. Now she is committed to promote parent education, integrated education, and mental health to the public.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Course Manager
Qualifications & Awards Highlight.
Academic Background
My Story
I have once worked as a counselor and center director in an NGO, providing in-kind social welfare assistance and counseling services to ethnic minority people and families. During my tenure, in addition to being responsible for center management, I was also responsible for social welfare application and approval procedures, home visits, emotional support and therapeutic counseling services, assessing the need for professional referrals.
In recent years, I have become a freelance worker, serving as a mindfulness instructor and organizing mindfulness workshops for school parents and students. I used to be a play therapy instructor at Heep Hong Society, and now serve as a mindfulness instructor and play therapy instructor for LoveXpress. After self-studying "Child-centered play therapy" and "Child-centered communication and parent-child play therapy" courses, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work in children's play therapy. I gained professional knowledge from my work experience and learned how to listen to children during play. By helping them express their inner voice, and at the same time provide appropriate and therapeutic responses to express deep care, I help children resolve their inner depression, relieve emotional disorders, and help children regain a healthy psychological and emotional foundation.
During the service, we observed that play therapy can help children improve their behavior, build self-esteem and self-confidence, and strengthen their minds. We firmly believe that if children can continue to have special therapeutic play time with their parents at home, it will definitely help them grow up healthily. Therefore, parents are strongly encouraged to learn "Parent-Child Play Therapy", master the principles and techniques of this therapy, and understand how to improve their children's emotional behaviour through accurate listening and appropriate responses in games and daily life, thus effectively promoting parent-child relationships. , and provide more effective discipline.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be exposed to mindfulness in recent years. I have started to practice mindfulness when I studied mindfulness stress reduction course (MBSR) and mindfulness cognitive therapy course (MBCT), and it has become a part of my life. I have experienced that practicing mindfulness can consciously be aware of one's own thoughts and emotions. and body reactions, and accept all your "now" experiences as they really are with a loving heart.
In addition, I have studied teacher training courses that combine mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) (MBSEL), two major Western positive emotional education courses, and engaged in school services to promote this teaching aid program to primary and secondary schools, kindergarten schools support students, parents and teachers so that they can be aware of their own emotions, behaviors, obstacles and potentials from the inside out through mindfulness and emotional social learning from the outside in, and learn to be aware of and respect the feelings and needs of others. Master effective and healthy communication methods to make responsible decisions.
What is deeply encouraging is the observation that service users can relieve stress through practicing meditation, open up space for positive growth for themselves, and comprehensively promote their autonomy in emotions, behavior, social interaction, and learning motivation.
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近年轉為自由工作者,以靜觀導師身份舉辦到校家長及學生靜觀工作坊。曾任協康會的遊戲治療導師,現為愛傳遞擔任靜觀導師及遊戲治療導師。 自修讀[兒童為本遊戲治療]及[兒童為本溝通及親子遊戲治療]課程後,幸運地有機會從事兒童遊戲治療的工作,從工作經驗中實踐專業知識,認識如何聆聽兒童在遊戲中表達的心聲,同時給予適切及具治療效用的回應,以表達深度的關懷,從而輔助兒童化解內心鬱結、減除情緒障礙,讓兒童重拾健康的心理情緒基礎。
感恩近年有機緣接觸靜觀,由學習靜觀減壓課程(MBSR)及靜觀認知治療課程(MBCT) 時已開始修習靜觀,成為生活的一部分,體驗修習靜觀能有意識地覺察自身的思想、情緒和身體反應,以一顆慈心如實地接納自己「當下」的所有經驗。
另外,曾學習結合正念 (Mindfulness)和情緒社交學習 (Social Emotional Learning, SEL)(MBSEL)兩大西方正向情感教育的導師培訓課程,並從事到校服務,推廣這套教輔方案至中、小、幼學校支援學生、家長和老師,讓他們能藉着正念由內而外,以及情緒社交學習由外至內地覺察自己的情緒、行為、障礙與潛能,學會覺察和尊重他人的感受和需要,掌握有效和健康的溝通方法,從而作出負責任的決定。
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coffee maker
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General Manager
2014至今設計過百款教具,作品深受業界及家長歡迎. 育有一名SEN兒子 (自閉症, 過度活躍症及妥瑞症). 因長期背負育兒壓力, 自己一度患有焦慮症及恐慌症, 深切體會精神健康的重要性.現致力推廣家長教育,融合教育及精神健康等.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Professional psychological counseling and treatment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed,dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus, id cursus risus finibus. Integer in porta quam. Etiam elementum enim eu sem sagittis posuere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc risus ex, rutrum non congue sed, dapibus eu neque. Vestibulum volutpat ante nec arcu tempus.id cursus risus finibus.
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